Take Better Pictures by Understanding Exposure

Thus far we have introduced you to two important compositional tools, the rule of thirds and leading lines. I want to pause for a moment and discuss the most important consideration in photography. I call it the Big 3 . What the heck is the Big 3? The Big 3 are three elements in photography that enable you to create a perfectly exposed picture. These elements are: ISO Aperture (f-stop) Shutter Speed These elements have to be in balance in order to create a perfectly exposed picture. If you make a change to one, you must make a change to one of the other or both. Let's look at each of these elements. ISO relates to the sensitivity of the sensor in your camera. It can be made more sensitive or less sensitive by adjusting the ISO number. For example, the lower the number the lower the light sensitivity, and the higher the number the higher the light sensitivity. Also, the higher the number the greater the opportunity for noise to be i...