You Can Take Amazing Pictures

Don't you wish you could take pictures like the ones you admire on Facebook or Instagram?  

How do they do it?  

What kind of equipment do they use?  

I’ll let you in on a little secret.  YOU can take pictures like that too.

View from a dune overlooking Lake Michigan

Yes, you can!

You don’t need expensive equipment.  You just need the desire to learn the elements of photography. Once you do, you’ll be able to take photographs that will amaze your friends.  

Your pictures will get noticed on Facebook and Instagram.  

And, you can do all this using the camera you already own!

How do they do it?

The people who take the pictures you admire are either lucky or have taken the time to understand the principles of creating beautiful pictures.  They have learned techniques that take advantage of visual elements that enable them to enhance their photography.

They learned the basics of photography.  They learned about controlling exposure, using shutter speed, composition rules, and post-processing.  

That sounds like a lot to learn!  But it really isn’t. 

You can do it! 

You can learn by acquiring this knowledge on a step by step basis.   You can’t eat an elephant in a single bite you know!

The goal of this blog is to help you take these steps to improve your photography skills.  I want to help you learn how to improve your pictures so you will be proud to post them on your favorite social media. 

Let's work together!

Each week, I will introduce a new topic.  Each topic will help you walk through the learning process.  Each post will include text and images to help you learn and understand the topic of the post.

See you next week!  

If you wish to see examples of my photography, visit my website by clicking HERE.


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