What is the best way to read this blog?
If this is your first visit to the Take Better Pictures blog, I suggest you start with the oldest blog entry first. Then read them in order. That way you will to go step by step with the information as originally presented. The goal of the blog is to walk you through tips that will make you a better photographer. So begin at the beginning! Here are some short cuts to help you. Just click on the link and the post will open in a new tab. First post: You Can Take Amazing Pictures! https://takebetterpics.blogspot.com/2020/08/you-can-take-amazing-pictures.html Second post: Take Better Pictures with the Camera You Own https://takebetterpics.blogspot.com/2020/08/take-better-pictures-with-camera-you-own.html Third post: Take Better Pictures Using the Rule of Thirds https://takebetterpics.blogspot.com/2020/08/take-better-pictures-using-rule-of.html Fourth post: Take Better Pictures Using Leading Lines https://takebetterpics.blog...