Take Better Pictures by Knowing What You See Is Not Always What You Get

Sometimes what you see is not what you get! How many times have you taken a picture that you thought was pretty good, only to find it disappoints you when you review it? You notice an ugly bush in the foreground or a utility pole coming out of the head of your subject. You think, “hey that wasn’t there when I took the picture!”. Sadly it was. The camera sees what your eyes ignore. We have selective vision, cameras do not. Our eyes direct our attention to those things that are important to us that we want to include in the picture. In doing so, we can miss some obvious things that can distract us in the final picture. The camera sees everything! This was a nightmare in the days of film because you did not get to review the picture until days after you shot it. Today, we have instant review on our digital cameras so we have an opportunity to do a re-shoot. In the picture above, someone's hand got into view...